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Pour l'enseignement des maths... | Math Matrix by CITEd: Center for Implementing Technology in Education

Math Matrix by CITEd: Center for Implementing Technology in Education

Un site pour les enseignants en mathématiques par le "Center for Implementing Technology in Education".

Le site présente un ensemble de ressources pour les l'enseignement des mathématiques. Les logiciels et autres ressources sont d'abord catégorisés selon l'objectif poursuivis

  • Building Computational Fluency - Technologies that serve this purpose include those that focus on specific skills such as adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing, finding percents, square roots, and solving equations. These technologies provide guidance, reinforcement and practice with the procedural skills of mathematics.
  • Converting Symbols, Notations and Text - Technologies that serve this purpose provide access to specific terms, definitions, mathematical notation and symbols to build content vocabulary, symbolic meaning and understanding of text to decode mathematical text into meaningful situations through digital margin notes and bookmarks. This access promotes an increased, multi-sensory engagement with symbols and text.
  • Building Conceptual Understanding - Technologies that serve this purpose include those that focus on specific concepts such as the meanings of a fraction in relationship to graph or visual representation, the relationship among algebraic equations, coordinate tables and line graphs. These technologies provide insights about, representations of, and connections between numeric, geometric, algebraic or statistical concepts.
  • Making Calculations and Creating Mathematical Representations-Technologies that serve this purpose provide users with electronic means to make calculations, simplify and solve mathematical expressions and algebraic equations, and use draw software, visual representative, or virtual manipulative software to create graphs and representations of problem solving situations. These technologies, often adaptive calculators, allow the user to focus on the conceptual and problem solving aspects of math.
  • Organizing Ideas - Technologies that serve this purpose provide a digital workspace for users to explore the connections among the text of problems to the concrete, representational and abstract concepts and apply these relationship to a wide range of problem solving strategies in real-world and mathematical situations.
  • Building Problem Solving and Reasoning - Technologies that serve this purpose include those that focus on formulating, representing and solving mathematical problems. These technologies provide guidance, structure and practice with strategies and processes for reasoning and problem solving tasks.

Les ressources sont ensuite présentées dans un tableau décrivant les caractéristiques technologiques de chaque ressource (niveaux de difficulté, interface, entrée de données, "text to speech", feed-back, graphiques, profil utilisateur).

Il n'y a malheureusement pas d'évaluation ou de commentaires au sujet des logiciels, seulement un tableau avec plus ou moins de cases sélectionnées. On n'y retrouve pas non plus d'exemple de scénario pédagogique utilisant ces outils. Un grand nombre de ressources sont par contre présentées avec des liens vers le site web de l'éditeur ou du logiciel.

Le site est disponible en anglais seulement.


Auteur: pgiroux

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